Canton Dental Associates | Baltimore, MD

Crooked Teeth

Crooked Teeth

The journey to a captivating smile begins with understanding the service provided for aligning crooked teeth. It's a careful process, tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring everyone achieves their desired results. The first step involves a comprehensive examination of the teeth and oral cavity using state-of-the-art dental imaging techniques. This examination allows the dental team to assess the degree of misalignment and plan an effective treatment strategy.

Once the assessment is complete, a customized treatment plan is formulated. This plan takes into account the patient's oral health, the severity of the misalignment, and personal preferences. The teeth alignment options offered encompass a wide range, from traditional metal braces to the more aesthetically pleasing Suresmile. All the options aim for the same outcome; aligning the teeth and improving the overall dental appearance.

Traditional braces work by applying a gentle, consistent pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into their correct positions over time. They consist of small brackets glued to the teeth, linked by a thin wire, which is adjusted regularly to maintain the pressure. Although less visually appealing, traditional braces are highly effective at correcting severe misalignments.

On the other hand, Suresmile aligners are virtually unnoticeable, making them a popular choice for those seeking a discreet solution. These clear aligners are custom-made using 3D imaging technology. They fit snugly over the teeth and gently shift them into the desired position. The aligners are replaced every two weeks, moving the teeth incrementally towards the final goal.

The final stage of the treatment process is the retention phase. Once the teeth have been successfully realigned, a retainer may be required. The purpose of the retainer is to hold the teeth in their new positions, preventing them from shifting back to their original state.

It's worth mentioning that the entire process is conducted under the expert hands of a dedicated team, ensuring a comfortable and worry-free experience. The end result is not just a beautiful and confident smile, but also healthier teeth and an improved oral hygiene.

Realigning crooked teeth has never been easier or more accessible, thanks to the expertise and advanced techniques employed by the experienced team at Canton Dental Associates in Baltimore, MD.

Crooked Teeth FAQs

What is the difference between traditional braces and Suresmile?

Traditional braces involve small brackets that are glued to the teeth and connected with a thin wire, which applies a gentle pressure to gradually move the teeth into the correct position. Suresmile, on the other hand, uses custom-made clear aligners that fit snugly over the teeth and are replaced every two weeks to incrementally shift the teeth towards the final goal. Suresmile aligners are virtually unnoticeable, making them a popular choice for those seeking a discreet solution.

What is the role of a retainer after teeth alignment?

Once the teeth have been successfully aligned, a retainer is often required. The purpose of a retainer is to hold the teeth in their new positions to prevent them from shifting back to their original state. Retainers ensure the long-lasting effect of the teeth alignment process.

What does the initial comprehensive examination involve?

The initial comprehensive examination involves evaluating the degree of misalignment of the teeth using state-of-the-art dental imaging techniques. This process allows the dental team to assess the patient's teeth and oral health condition, which is crucial for formulating an effective treatment strategy.

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