Canton Dental Associates | Baltimore, MD

Replacing Missing Teeth

Replacing Missing Teeth

Our service works by first examining the current state of your oral health. This is crucial for identifying the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Once we understand your unique situation, we can suggest the most appropriate tooth replacement option which could range from dental implants, dentures to bridges.

Each of these solutions is designed with the ultimate comfort and functionality in mind. For instance, dental implants emulate the structure of natural teeth, providing a secure and comfortable fit that feels just like your own. They are durable, stable, and designed to last a lifetime with proper care. Dentures, on the other hand, can replace several missing teeth at once. They are custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring comfort while eating and speaking. Bridges fill in the gap left by one or more missing teeth, using the surrounding teeth as support.

The process of installing these replacements is done with meticulous precision to ensure optimal outcomes. With dental implants, a titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone and allowed to integrate with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once healed, a custom-made crown is attached to this post, resulting in the look and feel of a natural tooth.

For dentures, a mold of your mouth will be taken to create a custom-fit denture. This ensures a snug fit that remains firmly in place, giving you the confidence to smile, eat, and talk as you would with your natural teeth.

The fitting of dental bridges involves preparing the adjacent teeth to support the bridge, followed by a custom-made bridge being securely cemented into place. This restores the function and aesthetics of your teeth, giving your smile a natural, seamless look.

Throughout each step of these procedures, our team offers guidance and support, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed. We keep you updated on the progress and what to expect, taking into account your comfort, health, and satisfaction.

Our ultimate aim is to restore not just your smile, but also your self-confidence and quality of life. With our high-quality tooth replacement solutions, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile once again. Have faith in us to restore your radiant smile.

Replacing Missing Teeth FAQs

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Dental implants provide several benefits. They closely mimic the structure of natural teeth, providing a comfortable fit that feels just like your own. They are durable, stable, and with proper care, they can last a lifetime. Implants also have the added advantage of preventing bone loss, which often occurs after tooth loss.

How are dentures made to fit my mouth perfectly?

The process of creating dentures includes taking a mold of your mouth. This ensures that the dentures are tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring comfort while eating and speaking. They are custom-made to fit snugly and remain in place, giving you the confidence to carry out daily activities as you would with your natural teeth.

What is the support system used for dental bridges?

Dental bridges use the surrounding teeth as support. The process involves preparing the adjacent teeth to bear the weight of the bridge. A custom-made bridge is then securely cemented into place, restoring the function and aesthetics of your teeth to give your smile a natural, seamless look.

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